
I used to come up here to the summit of Takamadoyama as a high school student. I remembered how to find the track, and headed uphill. It’s quite hot in the summer humidity, but the view over Nara is worth it.


17 years on, and the old fella (Nara’s big buddha) is still in there drawing the crowds. Today, there seem to be many European tourists. I’ve never seen so many foreigners here before. About time I headed away from the crowds towards the lesser visited parts of Nara Park on the walk home.


Made by Denosan, who grew up in Osaka, so it’s the best. The katsuo shavings on the top are shimmering around in the heat.

Pet beetle

Hiroto has a big pet beetle. He feeds it apple skins. It’s common for Japanese kids (especially boys) to catch and look after beetles in summer.

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