Wednesday night running

On Wednesday evenings after work, I’ve started running around Yoyogi Park with the Namban Rengo running club.  Everyone meets up at Oda Field, just across the road from Yoyogi Park, at 7:30pm on Wednesday nights.  While all the serious and good runners do some track work, I basically just turn up for a jog around the… Continue reading Wednesday night running

Quick melt

Daylight, and all the snow is gone.  As I predicted, it didn’t last very long.  It would have been nice to experience going to work in the snow.  

Snowing in Tokyo

It’s snowing in Tokyo!!  Tonight, about 3cm (so far, at 11:30pm) has fallen, and things have turned white.  I took some photos on my way home from my language class (around 10pm), but it’s become a lot more white since then. 

Winter hike to Kawanori-san

On those crisp and clear winter days that Tokyo puts on so well, there’s no better place to be than up a mountain.  I was keen to head out and get some snow on my hiking boots and experience the cold fresh air.  My day took me out to Kawanori-san, a 1,363 mountain in the… Continue reading Winter hike to Kawanori-san

Akemashite omedeto gozaimasu

A belated happy new year.  新年にあけましておめでとうございます。今年も宜しくお願いしますね。Another year passed, and another begun.  I know this post is quite late, but I’ve had things to do.  Just because it’s the new year doesn’t mean that my life slows down.  In fact, things are already speeding up as time ticks on, deadlines loom and important decisions await.

Ear wax

This is a tragic story, but one that seems so improbable that I couldn’t possibly have made it up.  It involves a double murder, a blaze 4 or 5 months later, and ear wax.

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