Summer holidays

Why did I get up at 5.30am to be at Narita at 7.30? Because I’m going to Hong Kong for a few days. I’m expecting it to be just as hot as Tokyo, but this week is my week off work, so better make the most of it. Not sure if i’ll blog while I’m away, but I’ll be back to Tokyo on Sunday evening.


By Debiddo

Debiddo (デービッド) was the webmaster blogging from a keitai denwa. Debiddo only posted to this blog using his Nokia NM705i phone on the Docomo network, but now he doesn't exist anymore.

1 comment

  1. nice work. I was in Syd last week and caught the SIA A380 sat out on the tarmac at Mascot, towering over all and sundry.

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