
I’m on the slopes at Hakuba Cortina resort, taking a ski lesson with some elementary school kids.

How many times will I fall over?



By Debiddo

Debiddo (デービッド) was the webmaster blogging from a keitai denwa. Debiddo only posted to this blog using his Nokia NM705i phone on the Docomo network, but now he doesn't exist anymore.


  1. David let’s see the shot of you jumping through need deep powder! Those Japanese Apre-ski ski bunnies even.

    Would you believe I hit Hakuba some 20 years ago. Yep, I was a grommit cutting it up with my brother Masanori from the Funabashi family. Thanks for the memories David.

    Can’t recall if we drove up or caught the train from Komaki in Aichi Prefecture?

  2. Craig, my next post will show me sprawled flat out on the snow after falling off a ski lift. I had a vision of flying through the air and landing gracefully on my feet, but it was only my imagination. Reality soon hit back.

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