100 yen fortune

I’m at a Korean restaurant for some bbq extravaganza. On the table is a small machine that dispenses fortunes for 100 yen. It lights up and spins around, and releases a small rolled up piece of paper that looks like it’s just been detached from a carrier pigeon. And my fortune? Luck. (But not big luck.) Today’s lucky number is 3 – which is good since there are 3 of us here. But there’s a warning – don’t let people who are not your type get too close. The machine has a double purpose if that’s all a bit unbelieveable: it’s a buzzer to call the waiter and order more meat for the bbq.


By Debiddo

Debiddo (デービッド) was the webmaster blogging from a keitai denwa. Debiddo only posted to this blog using his Nokia NM705i phone on the Docomo network, but now he doesn't exist anymore.

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